Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Street Musicians

Street musicians are found at various and unexpected places. The first musicians we heard were under a bridge on a walkway. They were a couple of cellists who played very well together.

The other notable musicians were an accordionist and a percussionist. The percussionist was sitting on an empty wooden box which he was playing. He spelled the name of it for Barbara as 'cagon' but he pronounced it as 'cahon' which sounds like Spanish and might be spelled as 'cajon'. In any case, it sounded good coupled with the accordian. So far, none of the other street musicians have been very interesting.

1 comment:

  1. from Barbara: The cellists were EXCELLENT. They were playing a Baroque concerto (can't remember which composer) actually written for two cellos. They obviously play together often (they're students at a local university) as they played very well in time together. As most students, they are strapped for money and have found that playing in an under-the-street "tunnel" with concrete walls which enhance the sounds wonderfully can provide them some extra income. I, too, was compelled to throw a couple of 1-lb coins into the open cello case. I was reluctant to move on (a great serendipitous moment!), and Nan was very patient as she waited for me.
