Thursday, May 30, 2013

Parham House

We visited Parham House this morning. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take photographs inside the house, but here is a picture of one wing of the house. The family still lives in part of the house, and the National Trust takes care of the main part of the house.

Here we learned about the origin of the phrase “chairman of the board.” The board is a dining table where everyone sat, using either stools or benches, except for the highest-ranking person within the group; the group could be a group of servants or the family and guests. That highest ranking person (male, of course) sat in the only chair at the head of the table. Hence, “chair man of the board.” Barbara and I thought this was a really interesting explanation.

We saw some great tapestries, rugs and needlework that I wish I could share. Then we had a nice lunch and a drive to Windsor where we were on our own for the afternoon.

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