Sunday, May 19, 2013

Embroiderers' Guild, Waveney Chapter

Wednesday, May 15, a.m.

We spent the morning with the Waveney Embroiderers' Guild. This is their Guild sign. Each square has been designed and stitched by different members of the Guild.

They have only been in existence for 10 years, but they have a very active group of people. We thought we would be stitching with these ladies, but instead we saw many of their projects and they looked at the ones we brought to show. The rest of the time we just talked with one another about our stitching, stitching groups, and what type of stitching we like to do best. It was a very wonderful time and the two hours went by much too quickly.

As a special treat, each of us received a gift of a postcard-sized piece of needlework done by the ladies. The pieces are unique, each Waveney member having stitched her own design in her chosen threads and stitching techniques. We will certainly treasure these special gifts.

My gift

Barbara's gift

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